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American Folk lyrics
Texas Rangers [Italian translation]
1. Come, all you Texas rangers, wherever you may be, I’ll tell you of some troubles that happened unto me. My name is nothing extra, so it I will not ...
The Crawdad Song lyrics
chorus: You get a line, I'll get a pole, honey You get a line, I'll get a pole, babe You get a line, I'll get a pole We'll go down to the crawdad hole...
The Death of Harry Simms lyrics
Come and listen to my story, come and listen to my song I will tell you of a hero, who's now dead and gone I will tell you of a young boy, whose age w...
The Death of Harry Simms [Chinese translation]
Come and listen to my story, come and listen to my song I will tell you of a hero, who's now dead and gone I will tell you of a young boy, whose age w...
The Dying Ranger lyrics
The sun was sinking in the west And fell with lingering ray Through the branches of a forest Where a wounded ranger lay; Beneath the shade of a palmet...
The Green Mountaineers lyrics
Ho - all to the borders, Vermonters, come down, With your britches of deerskin and jackets of brown. With your red woolen caps and your moccasins come...
The Green Mountaineers [French translation]
Ho - all to the borders, Vermonters, come down, With your britches of deerskin and jackets of brown. With your red woolen caps and your moccasins come...
The leather-winged bat lyrics
Hi, said the little leather-winged bat, I will tell you the reason that, The reason that I fly in the night: I’ve lost my heart’s delight. High-oh day...
The leather-winged bat [Chinese translation]
Hi, said the little leather-winged bat, I will tell you the reason that, The reason that I fly in the night: I’ve lost my heart’s delight. High-oh day...
The Night Paddy Murphy Died lyrics
Oh, the night that Paddy Murphy died is a night I'll never forget, Some of the boys got loaded drunk and they ain't got sober yet; As long as a bottle...
The Rose of No Man's Land lyrics
I've seen some beautiful flowers, Grow in life's garden fair, I've spent some wonderful hours, Lost in their fragrance rare; But I have found another,...
The Rose of No Man's Land [French translation]
I've seen some beautiful flowers, Grow in life's garden fair, I've spent some wonderful hours, Lost in their fragrance rare; But I have found another,...
The Rose of No Man's Land [German translation]
I've seen some beautiful flowers, Grow in life's garden fair, I've spent some wonderful hours, Lost in their fragrance rare; But I have found another,...
The Rose of No Man's Land [Spanish translation]
I've seen some beautiful flowers, Grow in life's garden fair, I've spent some wonderful hours, Lost in their fragrance rare; But I have found another,...
北游咸道乐悠悠 lyrics
北游咸道乐悠悠,船中苦楚木楼愁。 数次审查仍未了,太息同胞被扣留。 为乜来由要坐监?只缘国弱与家贫。 椿萱倚门无消息,妻儿拥被叹孤单。 纵然批准能上埠,何日满载回唐山? 自古出门多变贱,从来征战几人还? 黄家子弟本香城,挺身投笔赴美京。 买棹到了金山地,谁知拨我过埃仑。 我国图强无此样,船泊岸边直可...
睡吧,亲爱的妈妈 lyrics
让我最后一次 紧紧抱住 病榻上的妈妈 泪水滴在妈妈的面颊 与妈妈的泪水混在一起 你中有我,我中有你 睡吧 亲爱的妈妈 在儿的怀抱中 做一个不需醒来的美梦 梦里 终于又能踏上旋转舞台 舞姿飞扬 睡吧 亲爱的妈妈 把一辈子的风风雨雨 锁入梦里 化成音符 谱写出 一曲永恒的交响乐 睡吧 亲爱的妈妈 梦里将...
详恨番奴不奉公 lyrics



详恨番奴不奉公 [English translation]



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