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Dolly Parton lyrics
Circle of Love [Romanian translation]
Iubirea de sus, Lumini pe pamant E iarasi Craciun, Se naste Cel Sfant O noapte de vis, Se naste Isus Coboara la noi, Iubirea de sus De Tatal trimis, I...
Coat Of Many Colors lyrics
Back through the years I go wonderin' once again Back to the seasons of my youth I recall a box of rags that someone gave us And how my momma put the ...
Coat Of Many Colors [Bulgarian translation]
Спомняйки си годините Се зачудих аз отново Обратно към моята младост И си спомних за кутия с дрипи която някой ни подари И как мама използва парцалите...
Coat Of Many Colors [French translation]
A travers les années je retourne flâner encore une fois (1) dans les saisons de mon enfance. Je me souviens d'une caisse de chiffons qu'on nous avait ...
Coat Of Many Colors [Portuguese translation]
De voltaao longo dos anos Estou vagando mais uma vez De volta as estações da minha juventude Lembro de uma caixa de trapos que alguém tinha nos dado E...
Coat Of Many Colors [Romanian translation]
--- 1 --- Înapoi prin vremuri de altă dată Merg minunându-mă încă o dată Înapoi prin anotimpul adolescenței ce-am trăit Îmi amintesc de o cutie cu pet...
Coat Of Many Colors [Romanian translation]
Înapoi prin ani Merg întrebându-mă încă o dată Înapoi în anotimpurile tinereţii mele Îmi amintesc o cutie de petice pe care cineva ne-a dat-o Şi cum m...
Coat Of Many Colors [Serbian translation]
Povratak kroz godine Pitam se još jednom Povratak u doba moje mladosti Sećam se kutije pune krpa koju mi je neko dao I kako je moja majka izvlačila kr...
Coat Of Many Colors [Ukrainian translation]
Назад через роки Я йду міркуючи"ще раз Назад до сезонів моєї юності Я нагадую коробку ганчірок, яку хтось нам дав І як моя мама поставила ганчірки для...
Do I Ever Cross Your Mind lyrics
Oh, sometimes I go walking through fields where we walked Long ago in the sweet used to be And the flowers still grow, but they don't smell as sweet A...
Do I Ever Cross Your Mind [Swedish translation]
Det kan hända att jag ensam går där vi gick du och jag i det ljuva som var Och de blommor du plockade åt mig en gång, med en doft mera fadd står de kv...
Dumb Blonde lyrics
Don't try to cry your way out of this Don't try to lie or I'll catch you in it Don't try to make me feel sorry for you Just because I'm blonde Don't t...
Dumb Blonde [Bulgarian translation]
Не се опитвай да се измъкнеш с плач от това. Не се опитвай да лъжеш, защото аз ще те хвана. Не ме карай да изпитвам съжаление към теб. Само защото съм...
Dumb Blonde [French translation]
N'essayes pas de t'échapper à ça en pleurant N'essayes de mentir ou je te démasquerai N'essayes pas de m'apitoyer à ton sort Juste parce que je suis b...
Dumb Blonde [German translation]
Versuch nicht, dir deine Weg hier heraus zu weinen Versuch nicht, zu lügen oder ich werde dich dabei ertappen Versuch nicht, mich dazu zu bringen, Mit...
Eagle When She Flies lyrics
She's been there, God knows, she's been there She has seen and done it all She's a woman, she knows how to Dish it out or take it all Her heart's as s...
Eagle When She Flies [Romanian translation]
--- 1 --- Ea a fost acolo, Dumnezeu stie, a fost Ea a vãzut si a fãcut totul cu rost E o femeie ... ... stie toate cum sã primeascã sau sã îndure când...
Family lyrics
When it's family, you forgive them For they know not what they do When it's family, you accept them 'Cause you have no choice but to When it's family,...
Family [Turkish translation]
Aile olduğunda onları affedersin Ne yaptıklarını bilmedikleri için Aile olduğunda, onları kabul edersin Çünkü başka seçeneğin yoktur Aile olduğunda, o...
From here to the moon and back lyrics
I could hold out my arms, say "I love you this much" I could tell you how long I will long for your touch How much and how far would I go to prove The...
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